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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Paying It Forward

One of the best movies of all time is Pay It Forward which told the story of a young teen boy who takes seriously his teacher's assignment to come up with a project that would change the world. Initially stumped as what to do, he stumbles upon the idea of paying it forward. In this process, you do something helpful and of significance for another person and their only obligation to you is to do the same for another person. Thus is created a continuing string of altruistic events which help people in need and improves the world.

The Sunday magazine insert American Profile this week had the inspirational story of a man in San Diego paying it forward on a regular basis. For the last 45 years, when he has the time and resources, Thomas Weller takes to the highway and assists motorists in distress (over 6,000 and counting). He supplies fuel, changes tires, calls emergency services, etc. And he refuses all efforts to compensate him for these generous acts, instead instructing those he helps to find a way to do the same for someone else when the opportunity presents itself. This is the true spirit of America. I pray that this philosophy will take hold and spread like a wildfire across our great country.

You can follow this link to the full story of Thomas Weller: http://www.americanprofile.com/heroes/article/39320.html

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