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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why You Should Register As A Follower Of This Blog

I don't know how many people are actually reading my blog. Given that it's new and not associated with a newspaper, magazine or blogging site, I know it's a small number, mainly family and close friends. It may not even be in double digits yet. Nevertheless, I encourage everyone who is visiting this site to register as a follower. Why?

Recently, somebody I consider a good friend wrote to me at my private email concerning their disappointment at what I wrote about the Tea Bag movement. Although I felt like they misunderstood the purpose of what I said, that is not for me to judge and I would have willingly posted the comments because they were respectful and heartfelt.

The goal of this blog is to try and promote a middle ground and compromise in our nation, whether it's politics, culture or faith. I really want people to comment on what I write, whether they agree or disagree. I want there to be discussion. However, in order to post comments on this site, you must register as a follower. This allows me to review comments before they are posted. I choose to do this for one reason, and it isn't to censor anyone. I review comments first to ensure that they are respectful. I do not want any profanity or name calling or any of the other invective that is damaging our national conversations.

I don't want this blog to be followed only by people who always agree with me, I want to hear what those who disagree have to say. I am not afraid of hearing opposing comments/beliefs. When I was in business school, we were taught an interesting adage about leadership in business (which I believe can apply to politics and perhaps the church as well) that said if two leaders of a single business always agrees, one of them is unnecessary. Or what about the old saying that there are three sides to every debate/argument: your side, my side, and the truth. It is only through honest and robust discussion that any progress is possible.

So, please register as a follower and join the discussion.

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